IT / Information Technology
Innovation Manager
Chief Technology Officer - CTO
Chief Information Security Officer - CISO
Chief Information Officer - CIO

Navigate the cybersecurity landscape with confidence

Get an overview of your cybersecurity maturity

How to effectively identify your cyber maturity level?

The growth of the digitisation process allows companies to create new opportunities and business models, but at the same time inevitably leads to an increase in their attack surface and consequently their exposure to cyber risks. In this context, the need for a structured and comprehensive approach aimed at identifying the maturity level of technical and organisational cybersecurity safeguards against the main international reference standards and peers has increased.

PwC's Connected Risk Engine generates an accurate and effective view of the current maturity level, highlighting key internal gaps and opportunities for improvement in cybersecurity.

More about the Connected Risk Engine

Our Connected Risk Engine is a cloud-based platform that gives you a clear view of your organisation's cybersecurity maturity level against the most up-to-date versions of the key international reference standards. You can request the activation of other frameworks relevant to you for information and cyber security or data protection in addition to the frameworks available by default (p.e. ISO 27001, NIST CSF).

This tool provides a coherent and holistic approach to assessing the maturity of your organisation's cybersecurity posture by providing a comparison with your peers based on your industry. This view allows you to adapt more effectively to the ever-changing environment in which your organisation operates.

Is this solution right for you?

The PwC Connected Risk Engine is a tool to start a process of defining and managing cybersecurity strategies, targeted at companies approaching these issues for the first time. In particular, with our tool it is possible to define one's cybersecurity posture and identify the optimisations needed to reach the desired level of maturity.

How it works

PwC's Connected Risk Engine is a platform based on PwC's Google Cloud Platform and accessible via a dedicated URL.

The Connected Risk Engine is structured in a series of dashboards that allow you to take advantage of a range of features:


Insight on your posture

Greater insight into your cybersecurity posture through benchmarking analysis with your peers, giving you a clear and simple overview of your maturity level compared to the industry average.

Dynamic and interactive process

Through a customised dashboard, to view the status of campaigns, update graphics in real time using filters and increase the consistency and quality of the data while providing easy access to the complete corporate picture.


Centralisation of information and aggregation of results by domain, defining a single standard view to track the maturity assessment and facilitate the review process.

FAQ | Connected Risk Engine (CRE) frequently asked questions